Cultural Marxism

Alleges that Jews are hypnotizing the world into believing perverse things that will ultimately lead to the collapse of white civilization.

Wait, what?

A phrase that sounds intelligent, but is actually deeply dumb! When used incorrectly as a pejorative, “Marxism,” is meant to invoke confiscation of private property (money) from the rich for public use – what some might call “socialism,” “redistribution of wealth,” or “simply paying taxes because that’s how you pay for roads and sewers and schools.”

“Cultural Marxism,” however, is meant to evoke a different “redistribution” – social and cultural advantage.

In Europe and America, white people are used to being the main arbiters of culture, religion, language, and the main beneficiaries of good jobs, education, and police protection. With that in mind, “Cultural Marxism” is the idea that white people are losing this advantage because it’s being redistributed to Black people, Muslim people, LGBTQ+ people, Hispanic people, Indigenous people, and scariest of all, women. Basically, white people have been flying first class their whole life, and are worried they might have to sit in coach with the rest of us.

So, how is this antisemitic? Because per this conspiracy theory, the people responsible for this cultural and societal redistribution are – you guessed it – the Jews (AHHH!).

It’s really just a repackaging of old antisemitic ideas that have circulated in the U.S. and Europe since the early 20th century – that Jews are using their secret brainy powers to hypnotize the world into believing perverse things that will lead to the collapse of white civilization (which, mind you, is doing a pretty good job of collapsing on its own). White supremacists, you gotta hand it to them, are unoriginal. They love playing the hits!

Just search it on Twitter, it’s literally everywhere. Or on Gab, which you might want to avoid at all costs.


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